Cosmetic Treatment


What is it?

Cosmetic Treatment reduces the appearance of wrinkles and signs of ageing.

• The commonly treated areas include the frown lines, forehead creases, crow’s feet (or smile creases), lip creases and chin.

• It can also be used to treat a range of different medical conditions such as excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), teeth grinding and jaw clenching (causing TMJ dysfunction and headaches) and migraines.

• By injecting the muscles that we use to chew our food (the masseters) facial slimming can be achieved (creating a more feminine jawline).


How much does it cost?

Due to new AHPRA regulations, all information regarding costs will be discussed in the initial consultation.


How long does it take to work?

• The onset of action is generally 3-5 days. Peak effect is achieved by 2 weeks (which is the ideal time to attend for a review to check the results).

• The average interval between treatments is 3-6 months (depending on the dose and the individual’s response to treatment).


What are the side effects?

Cosmetic treatment is well tolerated and most patients report minimal discomfort. Ice can be used to reduce pain and bruising. Bruising is usually minimal.

• Serious side effects are rare and mostly result from the product entering the surrounding muscles (non intentionally). This can cause a droopy or heavy eyelid or eyebrow or an asymmetrical smile.

• It is important to avoid rubbing or massaging the treated area for at least 24 hours after treatment (to avoid spreading the product to surrounding muscles). Your independent medical practitioner will also advise that you do not go to sleep for 4 hours following a treatment. Vigorous exercise is also best avoided.


What to expect?

The initial consultation with a new patient takes 30 minutes. This involves taking a detailed medical history and coming up with a tailored plan to address your particular concerns.  You will be provided with a quote and consent form to sign so that you can confidently proceed with treatment.  This will be charged at the normal consultation rate.  If treatment is performed on the day the consultation fee will be waived.


What are the side effects?

Different cosmetic treatments work in different ways.

Due to new AHPRA regulations, names of cosmetic treatments cannot be listed publicly. The process and side effects of each treatment will be discussed in detail in the initial consultation.

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